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About the Project

The Assisted Tree Range Expansion Project (ATREP) is a community science project focused on supporting the resilience of Northern Lower Michigan's forests by planting tree species that are projected to be better adapted to our future climate.

Make sure you scroll all the way down to learn more about the tree species we are planting!

Simply defined, 
assisted range expansion
is “the human-assisted movement of species to areas just outside their established range in response to climate change, facilitating or mimicking natural range expansion” (Dumroese et al. 2015).

By establishing tree species that are projected to do well under future climate conditions in our region,
we can increase ecosystem diversity, offset tree die-offs, and ultimately improve the resilience of our future forests. 


Image source: United States Forest Service Climate Change Resource Center

The Assisted Tree Range Expansion Project (ATREP) is a response to the ongoing and impending impacts of climate change felt in northwest lower Michigan, and the exacerbation of forest stressors that come as a result of these impacts. Research synthesized by the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science supports that our region is experiencing and will continue to experience a shift to warmer average seasonal temperatures, higher levels of precipitation, and more frequent and intense severe weather events. Consider the increasing impact of native and non-native pests and pathogens that are currently devastating our forest and shoreline ecosystems, and it becomes clear that we all have an obligation to take action as caretakers of this land.


Land Acknowledgment
and Tribal Climate Adaptation

This effort is taking place within the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg—the Three Fires Confederacy of the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi peoples. The Anishinaabeg have long lived, worked, and honored these lands, and some communities are currently
engaged in similar climate adaptation efforts. Since 2013, the Little Traverse Bay Band has been planting more southerly tree species as part of a more diverse, climate-resilient forest at the Ziibimijwang Farm. Learn more

I would also like to highlight Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaada Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu developed by a team of Ojibwe and Menominee people with a focus on integrating their traditional knowledge, culture, language and history into climate adaptation planning.

Miigwech for reading!



Anyone can be involved! Regional Conservation Districts, community groups, tribal communities, private land and business owners, townships and county parks, schools, and regional land conservancies all can play a part in making ATREP a success.

This project was created by Madeline Baroli, who worked with now-retired District Forester Kama Ross and the Leelanau Conservation District in the summer of 2019. She is now a Climate Adaptation Specialist with the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and continues to promote and manage ATREP with Kama and other project partners. 


A community science project focused on planting trees from southern and mid-Michigan in northwest Michigan and tracking their survival and growth. Participants order trees and tree protection supplies from their local Conservation District or three partner nurseries, register their newly planted tree’s species and location on our website, and report simple annual measurements on our website or with the help of our District Forester. We recommend that participants only plant as many trees as they will be able to monitor and care for within their first few years of establishment. Community groups, schools, township parks, and homeowner associations may decide to scale up the size of their project, depending on their resource availability.


Because community science is FUN! And you get to enjoy some beautiful new trees. Additionally:


  • Climate change— Research out of the US Forest Service Northern Research Station supports that our region is experiencing and will continue to experience a shift to warmer average seasonal temperatures, higher levels of precipitation, and more frequent and intense severe weather events. These changes all have implications for our forest ecosystems, and assisted range expansion may be a promising forest management tool in the face of these changes. This project explores that.

  • Disease and pest threats— Forest ecosystems in Northwest lower Michigan have sustained high levels of tree damage and mortality due to the Emerald Ash Borer, Beech Bark Disease, and Oak Wilt. Hemlock-wooly adelgid has been steadily moving up the western coast of Michigan, and Asian-Long Horned Beetle outbreaks border Michigan in Ohio and Illinois. We need resilient forests to mitigate the damage of these outbreaks.

  • Outdoor recreation based culture & economy— Forests are an integral part of what makes this region so special to its residents, attractive to its tourists, and economically successful.  

  • 'Down to Earth' Research— Community science effectively spreads out your sample size. While it is surely less controlled than a formal study, information from people across the landscape allows for more data points, and in this case people get to learn about climate change, forest conservation and restoration throughout the process!

  • Private land ownership— Private landowners are responsible for 54% of Michigan’s forested land. That means within 54% of forested areas in our state, management decisions are made by citizens like you and me, not the State or Federal governments. This project aims to make citizens more informed and active stewards of their land.


Now! Participants can coordinate with the District Forester during the fall/winter to choose the best suited trees for their land and place their orders in the late winter/spring. Pick-up for tree and shrub orders from the Conservation Districts is typically in late April, and our partner nurseries may have more flexible timelines. Mapping and data collection can occur throughout the summer, and be repeated annually.


Northwest Lower Michigan. Grand Traverse, Leelanau, and Benzie, Antrim and Manistee Counties. Your backyard, abandoned field or woodlot, school or county park! The options are limitless.

Selected Species

There are 35+ tree species that are present in Southern or mid-Michigan, but not Northwest Michigan, making them eligible based on the goals of the project. The tree species below were ultimately selected based on the following criteria:

  • Projected new habitat or projected increase >20% in habitat in Northern Michigan based on predictions by Handler et al. (2014).

  • Not a preferred deer browse species.

  • Not a preferred Asian Longhorn Beetle species.

  • Provides landowners with a good distribution of options for trees that are suited for either sun or shade, dry or moist habitats, forest or open-field succession.

  • Provides distinct wildlife benefits.

We will likely be expanding the number of species included in ATREP in 2022, based on the latest available science and public feedback!


Shagbark hickory

Carya ovata

  • Large deciduous tree known for its distinctive bark, long lifespan and delicious edible nuts.

  • Intermediate shade tolerance― will often grow slowly in the forest understory and then rapidly respond to a gap opening and sunlight. 

  • Supports a wide variety of wildlife― fox, squirrel, rabbit and bear feed on the nuts and bats often take shelter under the loose bark.

  • Commonly associates with: oak, maple, basswood, red bud, tupelo.


Tulip tree

Liriodendron tulipifera

  • Very large deciduous tree known for its beautiful spring blooms and fast growth rate.

  • Shade intolerant― great as an ornamental yard tree, forest edge or open field planting.

  • Larval host to many pollinators including the Swallowtail butterfly, Promethea moth, Baltimore oriole, Scarlet tanager, and hummingbirds and bees.

  • Commonly associates with: tupelo, white pine, oak, beech.



Sassafras albidum

  • Medium-sized deciduous tree known for its unique leaf shapes and aromatic oils historically used to flavor root beer.

  • Intermediate shade tolerance― does very in the forest understory as a spreading shrub but grows into a mid-sized tree in full sun.

  • Larval host to many pollinators including the Spicebush butterfly, Tiger swallow-tail, Pale Swallowtail, Palamedes butterfly and bees.

  • Commonly associates with: dogwood, beech, maple, oak, ash, tulip tree.


Black tupelo

Nyssa sylvatica

  • Medium-sized deciduous tree known for its scarlet autumn leaves and attractive drooping branch structure.

  • Shade and flood tolerant― grows to be an intermediate canopy tree in wet, lowland sites. 

  • Fruits are an important food source for migrating birds in the autumn, and bees love the flower's nectar (producing the popular tupelo honey).

  • Commonly associates with: ironwood, black cherry, dogwood, oak, hickory. 



Celtis occidentalis

  • Medium-sized deciduous tree known for its distinctive corky bark and persistent edible drupes.

  • Shade tolerant― capable of growing in deep shade with good soils, but also a very common ornamental tree that can withstand poor soils.

  • Small red drupes persist into the winter, providing difficult to come by sustenance for turkey, pheasant, quail, grouse, and songbirds. Larval host to Mourning Cloak and Question Mark butterflies. 

  • Commonly associates with: maple, cottonwood, willow, aspen.


Swamp white oak

Quercus bicolor

  • Medium-sized deciduous tree known for its lustrous leaves and moss-like acorn caps.

  • Intermediate shade tolerance― will grow in light shade but requires more sun as it ages.

  • Acorns are an important food source for squirrels, mice, deer, beaver, black bear, ducks and turkey. Humans can cook them up too!

  • Commonly associates with: white oak, ash, cottonwood, tamarack.

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